Thursday, September 1, 2016

Setting up Landed Cost Module in R12.2.5

Oracle Landed Cost Management Overview

Oracle Landed Cost Management enables you to manage estimated and actual landed cost for an item purchased from a supplier. Using Oracle Landed Cost Management you can determine the "real" costs associated with acquiring items including insurance, transportation, handling, storage costs, container fees, and import or export charges.

Knowledge and visibility into these trade costs help organizations better evaluate new product plans, price their items, and negotiate contracts with both suppliers and customers.

Setting Up Oracle Landed Cost Management 

To Set Up Inventory Organization Options

  Navigate to the Organization Parameters - Inventory Parameters window

Navigate to the Organization Parameters - Other Accounts window

Setting Up Receiving Options

To use Oracle Landed Cost Management you must setup several receiving options. Using the receiving options you specify whether Oracle Landed Cost Management will be used as a pre-receiving application and you also specify the accounts that will be used pertaining to Oracle Landed Cost Management in the accrual accounting process. Use the Receiving Options page in Oracle Purchasing to define this information.

To Set Up Receiving Options:
1. Navigate to the Receiving Options page, The Receiving Options page appears.
2. Select an Inventory organization from the list of values in the Inventory
3. Click Go.

Setting Up Cost Factors

Oracle Landed Cost Management uses cost factors to define charge types. Charge types are used in Oracle Landed Cost Management when adding a new charge line in the Shipments Workbench. Use the Create Cost Factor page in Oracle Purchasing to set up cost factors.

To Set Up Cost Factors:
1.        Navigate to the Cost Factors page,

Enter the code for the cost factor in the Code field.
This code will appear in the Charge Type list of values in the Shipments Workbench.
Select Active for the Status.
Oracle Landed Cost Management only uses cost factors with an active status for charge line creation.
Enter a name for the cost factor in the Cost Factor Name field.
Select the basis for pricing using the Pricing Basis field.
Enter the description for the cost factor in the Description field.
In the Cost Management region, select the Allocation Basis for the cost factor.
Options are:
• Quantity
• Value
• Volume

Setting Up Advanced Pricing Profile Options

Maintaining Shipment Line Types

Setting up shipment line types is a mandatory step before you can use Oracle Landed Cost Management. Shipment line type is a mandatory attribute of all shipment lines on a landed cost management shipment. It provides a shipment line categorization and also drives the landed cost calculation behavior. Use the Shipment Line Types pages to maintain the shipment line types.

Landed Cost Manager > Setup > Shipment Line Types

Maintaining Shipment Types

Before you can begin to use Oracle Landed Cost Management you must create shipment types. Shipment type determines the validations that will occur for a shipment. Use the Shipment Types pages to maintain shipment types.

Use these procedures to maintain shipment types:

Landed Cost Manager > Setup > Shipment Types

In the Controls region of the page, select the Third Parties Allowed option.

Here user can attached the Party types allowed to the shipment type

Here user can attached the Source types allowed to the shipment type

After these setups users can use the LCM as a pre-receiving application.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oracle EBS - Cash Management : Creating Bank Charges

During the times I sharing views on Oracle EBS R12 with clients, I have seen that most of them are not using the full functionality of the App. Ultimately they have to continue with lots of manual work where they can use Oracle instead of them. 

Bank Charges Generation is one simple area which I observed in Oracle Cash Management. 


  • Completes with the Bank Statement Mappings

Navigation - Cash Management Super User > Setup > Banks > Bank Statement Mappings

  • Creation of Transaction Code for Bank Charges (This is only need if the MT940 bank statement format not providing a specific transaction code for bank charges)
Navigation - Cash Management Super User > Setup > Banks > Bank Transaction Codes

  • Bank Statement Cashflow Mapping Creation

Navigation - Cash Management Super User > Setup > Banks > Bank Statement Cashflow Mappings

Use the Bank Statement Cashflow Mappings window to link the relevant transaction code which define for bank charges and the specific GL account code combination for Bank Charges. At the end of the create accounting program this will be the account which get Debited from the Bank Charges. So the double entry will be,

Cr - Bank Account (Bank Statement Account which contains bank charges)
Dr - Bank Charges Account (Which defined in Bank Statement Cashflow Mappings window )

Once the users have completed all the above prerequisites they have to load and import the bank statement to the Bank Statement Lines widow. 

1.Bank Charges Creation

After identifying the bank charges users can update the “Code” field relevantly with the transaction code associate with bank charges. EX 110 – Bank Charges.

After the changes the bank charges line will look like following.

2.Bank Statement Cashflow Creation

By processing the Bank Statement Cashflow Creation program the Cash Management module will create a cashflow for those bank charges. Process the program accordingly with the bank details where we did the above process.

Upon completion of the above process Oracle will automatically process with the bank statement cash-flow creation execution report and it will have all the data relate to bank charges.

Using the above generated Cashflow Number users can query the transaction in Cash Management, Casshflow form as well. In the above example it is "1385"

 3.Process the Create Accounting Program from CM module

Users will have to process the “create accounting program” from cash management module with the process category of “Bank Statement cashflows”. This will generate double entries for the bank charges in GL.

Create Accounting program will give the following out put. It is containing the relevant double entry details as I explained in the very beginning of the blog.

4. Post the entry in GL

The “Create accounting program” will create the following double entries in GL related to the Bank Charges.
Dr – Bank Charges Account
Cr – Bank Account

These lines will also have the description in the bank statement line as the journal description as well.